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May 31, 2005
good neighbors despite lack of fences
I spent the weekend shopping, eating out, meeting neighbors, and enjoying a rare patch of beautiful weather. My parents spent theirs working on a fence (with the help of their next door neighbor).
So far, I am very pleased with the condo lifestyle. Saturday evening, I was bumming around the house, doing a little cleaning and recreational reading. It was a warm day, my windows were all open, and a large group of people was having a noisy party in the barbeque area below my window. At around 10:45, I finally went down to say hi to the people who were still there, and they immediately welcomed me into the exciting condo social world. Suffice it to say I drank a little too much, stayed up a little too late, and was definitely feeling it the next morning. It was great to meet the neighbors, though, and learn that there are other young homeowners about.
Housing costs being what they are on the left coast, my neighbors figure I'm probably one of the last young people to be able to buy a condo here. The price difference between the new river-view condos in the first area (built 2 years ago) and the new river-view condos being finished now is over $100,000. I've barely had time to hang patio shades, and my unit has already appreciated beyond my ability to buy it (if I had waited until now, instead of buying 3 months ago).
Speaking of patio shades, here they are, courtesy of World Market. The lengths and sizes of the rice paper blinds are slightly different from each other, but at $75 total to cover this expanse of window, I'm very pleased with the outcome. Call it the "eclectic" look.

Posted by mara at May 31, 2005 3:04 PM